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Hall 11, level 0 / Booth B 10 aircontec
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Klingenburg GmbH
Boystr. 115
45968 Gladbeck (Germany)
Rotationswärmetauscher, Kreuz- und Gegenstrom
Plattenwärmetauscher, Luftbefeuchter, Luftentfeuchter
World of ventilation and air-conditioning technology Residential ventilation and ventilation systems for non-residential buildings Systems and components for residential and non-residential ventilation
Components Heat recovery
World of ventilation and air-conditioning technology Residential ventilation and ventilation systems for non-residential buildings Heat recovery systems for ventilation systems
Recuperative systems Regenerative systems
World of ventilation and air-conditioning technology Air conditioning Air humidifiers
Evaporation humidifiers Nebulising humidifiers
World of ventilation and air-conditioning technology Air conditioning Air dehumidifiers
Adsorptive dehumidifiers
World of ventilation and air-conditioning technology Air conditioning Special components and equipment
Air humidifying and dehumidifying equipment